Sept 8, 1864 military document dated at Louisville


A hand written document dated at Louisville KY Head Quarters Military Command, Sept. 8, 1864.  The document addressed to a Capt. Burke, the Provost Marshall at Elizabethtown, KY.  Says to send the charges and proof against a doctor of that town.

Source: eBay auction

13th Kentucky Inf (Union) soldier/chaplain writes from Louisville

William Johnston 13th Kentucky Vol.. 1860 -1862
Chaplain for the 13th Ky. Vol.

Louisville Ky
Friday, Sept. 12th 62.      With cover

Here I am in this city…. Thrown by the waves of war…. I must tell you how I got here  & why I came.   I wrote you last a week ago from Lebanon where I was penned up for a little while by the Federal forces because Morgan was in Danville and vicinity .  After he left for Lexington I succeeded in getting a pass to Danville where I arrived last Friday, there were no Rebel troops there then but they left there mark behind.  I met Uncle Robert there who had left Paint – Sick after hiding a day or two in the woods because of Rebel troops had been to his house to arrest him.  I arrived in Danville in time to see a Brigade of villainous rebels with there banner of treachery and tyranny  floating over them march into town.  (Willie obtained a letter of introduction to General Boyle  as to assign him as a Chaplain to a unit).  I left my baggage and money behind and walked half the night. I evaded the Confederate Pickets. I reached Louisville with some trouble and expense  last Wednesday evening.   As to my getting a Chaplaincy all is very doubtful. The vacancies are all in regiments away in Buell’s Army.  If I don’t get one then I shall enlist as a private soldier. Willy was ordained and was sent into the field almost immediately. Most of his money was in his trunks in Danville at his uncles house and assumed lost.  Because of so he was forced to postpone his wedding to Cornie (a letter details that postponement)

Louisville Ky Sept 24th 62

Col. Pope in Buell’s army is interested in have Willie join as a Chaplain, “Communication is very difficult as we are separated by the enemy in between.” I helped pack up two families to move for fear of a Rebel Invasion.  I at night joined the National Guard as a private, we have been expecting hourly to be assigned to some duty. This is a Battalion of State Militia.  I believe Buell is quite near us..

Source: eBay auction Jan 2020